Amy Carlson Hair Studio

I graduated from the Aveda Institute Minneapolis in 2003. I have had an amazing hair career for the last 20 years. I spent 8 years with an Aveda salon learning, growing my passion and educating others. I have been on my own since 2011, I LOVE BEING MY OWN BOSS! I love to create timeless every day styles with my cutting and coloring abilities. I take great pride in providing my guests the skills, tools and product knowledge they need to successfully re-create their look at home! My free time is full with my partner John and two rock star girls! We have 2 cats and a rescue dog. I am passionate about running and racing. I like to listen to music and podcasts mostly about running. I can also be found sipping my Nespresso, cooking or baking, cleaning or organizing and enjoying a glass of wine. I would say my superpower is the way I connect and communicate with people.

Business Hours

10 AM - 4 PM
10 AM - 4 PM
10 AM - 4 PM
10 AM - 4 PM

Cancellation Policy

Due to scheduling commitments to other clients and my personal schedule I will need to reschedule any appointment for which you are more than 15 minutes late. All appointments require a minimum of 24 hours notice to cancel or reschedule to avoid a 50% (of the service booked) cancellation fee. Credit card details will be requested to secure all bookings.